HID New Building Full Hydraulic CSD5522 Model Cutter Suction Dredger is Nearing Completion.


The HIDCSD5522 model cutter suction dredger is currently receiving its final touches, poised and ready to meet its new owner and embark.


The dredger is powered by double marine diesel engines and has a max dredging depth of 14 m,   4000m3/h flow capacity, and a discharge distance of 3000m. Meanwhile equipped with a spud carriage, greatly satisfies the efficient dredging work.


hydraulic dredger

With the CSD5522, you gain access to a world of advanced dredging capabilities. Whether you're tackling challenging maritime projects, maintaining waterways, or extracting valuable resources from the riverbed, this dredger is your ultimate partner in efficiency and performance.


Investing in the CSD5522 means investing in your future success. Increase your productivity and profitability while minimizing downtime and maintenance costs.



For inquiries, pricing details, and to reserve your CSD5522 model cutter suction dredger, reach out to us now.

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