HID Shipyard Delivers CSD500 Cutter Suction Dredger to China Harbor Group


HID Shipyard is pleased to announce the successful delivery of its HID CSD500 cutter suction dredger (CSD) to China Harbor Group.


This advanced dredging equipment is accompanied by a comprehensive dredging package, which includes 2,000 meters of discharge pipes, essential spare parts, and crew training to ensure seamless operation and maintenance.

cutter suction dredger


The CSD500 (20-inch) model is a modular, dismountable dredger equipped with an integrated dredge pump and drive system. This innovative design ensures high operational efficiency, compactness, and ease of transportation, enabling enhanced production rates.


With a shallow draft of 1.4 meters, the CSD500 is built with a robust three-pontoon design comprising one central pontoon and two side pontoons. This configuration provides exceptional stability and floating capacity, allowing the dredger to perform efficiently in both inshore and offshore waters.


HID Shipyard continues to deliver cutting-edge dredging solutions tailored to meet the demanding needs of its clients worldwide.

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